Cheesecake, in less than 15min

Hello, it’s me….I know you think I forgot about my “reversed seared steak” post (bc I mentioned in years ago! LOL!), but I have not….I promise it is coming. But real life confession….having a new baby is HARD, especially at 39yrs old! I am so thankful I have my husband helping…so we feel like weContinue reading “Cheesecake, in less than 15min”

Cinnamon Rolls, Vegan & Not

If you are like me, cinnamon rolls were likely a staple breakfast food, of your childhood.  I wasn’t usually allowed to eat them during the week, but I definitely remember hearing my dad “pop the can” and smelling the delicious aroma float up to my bedroom, on the weekends.  They weren’t homemade, but I didn’tContinue reading “Cinnamon Rolls, Vegan & Not”

What to do with rotten bananas!?!?

I know I mentioned in my last post that flank steak and chicken would be the upcoming post…and while that post is still coming, you will have to deal with rotten bananas today.  Hope you don’t mind! Now, if you are like me…you likely have a few rotten bananas in your kitchen and you mayContinue reading “What to do with rotten bananas!?!?”

Orange Cinnamon Rolls

First, please bear with me as I update my site.  I was working on something for a friend of mine and in the process came across this new format…and I love it!  I just need to figure it out…and since it puts a great deal of focus on the photos, I guess I need toContinue reading “Orange Cinnamon Rolls”

Summer Freshness

Sometimes you are in the mood to eat, but not really in the mood to cook…truthfully, I would say this is a quandary that I find myself in 75% of the time.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE cooking, creating new recipes, hosting get togethers…and just being in my kitchen, but the flip side ofContinue reading “Summer Freshness”

Breakfast or Brunch…

What’s up, hungry people?  Cooked something amazing lately, or had some interesting attempts….perhaps we can call them “nailed it” failures? haha  If you have, leave me a comment and let me know!  I am always interested in what others are cooking…keeps me on my toes 🙂 Moving on!  The two recipes featured in this postContinue reading “Breakfast or Brunch…”

Healthy Yet Tasty Muffins

Wow…it has been a year since I last posted…crazy thing is, that I have TONS of food pics saved on my phone and computer to write blog posts with, but never seem to have time to sit down and actually do it.  SORRY readers, but that’s life!  I will however do my best to catchContinue reading “Healthy Yet Tasty Muffins”

Easy Baking…101

Ok, who out there in reader land is also bad with posting on their blog???? I am just curious how everyone else approaches their blog, bc while I have all of these good intentions…acting on them seems to be a bit challenging! Anyway…in case you missed the “Blizzard of 2016” on the East Coast…well, IContinue reading “Easy Baking…101”