Roasted Potatoes

As I have gotten older, I don’t find that I crave a starch with dinner….BUT, there is always room in my heart (and my stomach), for roasted potatoes 🙂 Potatoes as a side can range from mashed or fried, to potato salad or even potato latkes…but I like to keep it simple and flavorful, whichContinue reading “Roasted Potatoes”

Summer Freshness

Sometimes you are in the mood to eat, but not really in the mood to cook…truthfully, I would say this is a quandary that I find myself in 75% of the time.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE cooking, creating new recipes, hosting get togethers…and just being in my kitchen, but the flip side ofContinue reading “Summer Freshness”

Roasted Broccoli

We all know that veggies are an important part of a balanced diet and add vital nutrients to your meals, but let’s be honest…do you eat enough veggies? While my pup Luke may be a veggie lover, I know not everyone is…but this recipe is an easy and tasty way to get some green onContinue reading “Roasted Broccoli”

Veggie Delight

While I am a meat eater…bacon is life in my book…I do enjoy a good veggie only side or meal option.  Sometimes the meatless options are often better than the meals with meat…you just have to be willing to venture outside of your comfort zone and give it a try!  This dish is a greatContinue reading “Veggie Delight”