TikTok Recipe Makeover

I am sure that many of you have witnessed the explosive popularity of TikTok and while many people (like me) do not have TikTok, the videos published are visible on a variety of platforms. The availability of the videos, is how I found the early post…about the “whipped coffee” and I also where I cameContinue reading “TikTok Recipe Makeover”

Shepherd’s Pie, sort of…

I remember having shepherd’s pie as a kid…and sometimes in restaurants that serve comfort food, but it is not something I have made very often or seek out.  BUT, one day a few weeks ago, I had a craving and I decided to put my own spin on the classic recipe. My version uses aContinue reading “Shepherd’s Pie, sort of…”

Easy and Delicious Breakfast Casserole

Have you ever been asked to make something for a company event, a holiday brunch, or are just looking to make some tasty comfort food, that can be eaten for any meal?  If any of these apply to you, or you’re like me and you just like casseroles…check out this easy recipe, that feeds aContinue reading “Easy and Delicious Breakfast Casserole”

What to do with rotten bananas!?!?

I know I mentioned in my last post that flank steak and chicken would be the upcoming post…and while that post is still coming, you will have to deal with rotten bananas today.  Hope you don’t mind! Now, if you are like me…you likely have a few rotten bananas in your kitchen and you mayContinue reading “What to do with rotten bananas!?!?”

Orange Cinnamon Rolls

First, please bear with me as I update my site.  I was working on something for a friend of mine and in the process came across this new format…and I love it!  I just need to figure it out…and since it puts a great deal of focus on the photos, I guess I need toContinue reading “Orange Cinnamon Rolls”

Summer Freshness

Sometimes you are in the mood to eat, but not really in the mood to cook…truthfully, I would say this is a quandary that I find myself in 75% of the time.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE cooking, creating new recipes, hosting get togethers…and just being in my kitchen, but the flip side ofContinue reading “Summer Freshness”

Shrimp Curry…semi-homemade

Ok readers, I am going to test your memory…and depending on how old you are, you may not remember what I am about to talk about.  More than a decade ago (probably closer to 2000), Sandra Lee had a show on the Food Network, called Semi-Homemade. The show was interesting and usually included several foodContinue reading “Shrimp Curry…semi-homemade”

BBQ Chicken, 3 Ways

While chicken is not my favorite thing to eat, there are a few ways that I do enjoy it and BBQ is one of those ways!  In this edition of “Adventures with the Instant Pot”, you will see one easy chicken preparation, used 3 different ways!  It is 50% meal prep, 50% creativity…and 50% whatContinue reading “BBQ Chicken, 3 Ways”

Roasted Broccoli

We all know that veggies are an important part of a balanced diet and add vital nutrients to your meals, but let’s be honest…do you eat enough veggies? While my pup Luke may be a veggie lover, I know not everyone is…but this recipe is an easy and tasty way to get some green onContinue reading “Roasted Broccoli”