Nice to meet you, I am Chef Steph :)

Right off the bat I have to start with a disclaimer…wait for it…I am NOT a chef!  And now that my secret is out and the lies have been exposed…we can move on! haha  (P.S. If you cannot handle humor, I highly suggest that you hit that lovely little ‘X’ in the right hand corner of your screen…and end your ride on my food train here! Nice to have met you…bye bye!)

So let’s first talk about how I was deemed Chef Steph…usually my friends call me Betty (as in Crocker), but this past year I was teaching public high school in Hawaii and during a department meeting, there was chatter about cooking for a function.  If memory serves me correctly, there was talk of giving several dozen eggs and some type of candy (the candy may have been another meeting…) and letting them have at it.  Well me being me, I spoke up and said I could make quiche for roughly 40 people no problem.  Everyone seemed on board with me doing the cooking and them giving me money for the food…so I agreed.  At some point in the meeting a co-worker referred to me as Chef Steph and every email after, in regards to this function…I was referred to as Chef Steph 🙂  Someone even left money in my mailbox and it was addressed to Chef Steph…so it stuck!  Now when I post my food on Instagram I always use the hashtag #chefsteph…

Now why am I here writing this blog?  Well, I have always been one to take pictures of food…not just food that I make myself, but also delicious food that I come across out in the world.  You may not care about what I eat (and in that case, let me refer you to that ‘X’ in the corner), but I LOVE food and I choose to share that.  (yes, there will be posts about things I eat out in the world…ya never know, I may post something you decide to travel to try!)  Anyway, over the course of sharing my own food on Facebook and IG, many friends have asked me about doing cooking classes, sharing recipes, and even just asking to come over and eat…then recently one of my friends suggested I write a food blog, so here I am.  See, wasn’t that easy!

Wait, disclaimer #2….I am famous for making dishes with no recipe.  I was raised in a kitchen where everything is a dash of this and a pinch of that…so that being said, my “recipes” are what I recall and will obviously vary somewhat from my original dish.  BUT remember, you can alter anything I make to suit your own tastes.  If you don’t like cilantro, well then…don’t add it.  I promise not to be offended!    (If I am baking something….99.9% of the time, there is a recipe! Baking is a science and I need notes for that.)

Darn….I have another disclaimer…#3…I am NOT a vegetarian in any sense of the word.  I eat seafood, chicken, turkey, beef (yes veal too), lamb, venison…etc, so if this bothers you…again I refer you to the ‘X’.  I eat gluten, I use butter and there is LOVE in all of my food….but I do like to cook with fresh ingredients and again, you can ALWAYS alter something I made!  Benefit of a free country….just saying 😉

SO after reading all of this if you think you are interested…stay tuned for my first actual food post tomorrow: Mexican Style Chicken Soup….simple, tasty and limited ingredients!  One pot cooking at it’s finest!!!!!

Until then, eat well my friends!


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